Nutritional Consultation / Dietary Therapy is within the scope of practice of a Licensed Acupuncturist. Abigail is trained in both Western Clinical Nutrition and Traditional Chinese Nutrition, and offers consultation via Telemedicine and at follow-up office visits for existing patients.
We use an integrated approach to help each patient discover which foods are best for their specific constitution, their Chinese Medical and Western Medical diagnostic patterns, and their health goals.
Traditional Chinese Nutrition looks at the effects that particular foods have on the individual, rather than on a scale or in a test tube. If a patient is suffering from a "heat" condition, for example, foods that have a cooling or neutral effect on the body may be recommended; if a patient has suffered heavy blood loss, foods that build up blood will be recommended.
Wanna learn more about a Real Food diet and Chinese Nutrition? Here are a few of good resources (these are NOT affiliate links):
Holistic Squid, fellow acupuncturist Emily Bartlett's blog
"Nourishing Traditions," by Sally Fallon
"Real Food: What to Eat and Why," by Nina Planck
"Real Food for Mother and Baby: The Fertility Diet, Eating for Two, and Baby's First Foods," by Nina Planck
"Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition," by Paul Pitchford